Week 20: December 6 - December 19, 2020
12/14/20- Donna Kim
Today was the beginning of finals week! I had in-person school today and had a final in Spanish, but I have three more tests on Wednesday, so I need to study for those. I’m looking forward to getting all of these tests done.
12/16/20- Donna Kim
I was so relieved at the end of school today because I was finally done with finals!! I’m not sure how well I did, but I’m just glad that I don’t have to worry about them anymore. I’m looking forward to winter break and being able to wake up late.
12/17/20- Donna Kim
Today was a relaxing school day because there wasn’t much work to do since we finished testing yesterday. Even though it’s hard to travel this break because of COVID, I’m excited to just stay at home and catch up on watching K-dramas.
12/18/20- Donna Kim
I barely did anything today except eat and watch YouTube. I’m hoping to finish up college apps by next week.
December 6, 2020
Leah Kang
This week is going to be veryyy long because its the week before finals :-( i’m so nervous because i know a lot of my grades are going to be affected since some are borderline. I also really don’t like studying lol but junior year is an important time for me. But, my mom made matang for me! matang is like cut up fried sweet potatoes that are coated in a semi hard sugar syrup, i think its chinese though.
December 7, 2020
Leah Kang
Oh my .. so much work. My planner is so busy my entire page is filled with boxes and to-dos. Im trying really hard to start homework around 3 or 4 but ... i just love the feeling of leaving my last class of zoom and relaxing. But this week i need to be on top of everything and i already did a lot of assignments today.
December 8, 2020
Leah Kang
Yet again a l o t of work. I think the most work Ive had in my entire school life. A lot of study guides, homework, projects, and make up forms. But today i finished a lot of stuff, and i really want to stay up all night to do my work so i dont have to worry about later. I ended up staying up till around 4 am just trying to finish a lot of things ahead of time. super tired.
December 9, 2020
Leah Kang
Good thing todays wednesday! I only had tutorial which is like an hour and then thats it. So right after tutorial of course i fell back asleep until like one! But after i worked on a spanish project, and did some more work.
December 10, 2020
Leah Kang
Despite all my workload and my finals week coming up... of course i had to watch true beauty! Its a new drama about an unattractive girl becoming pretty and two other male leads who are so cute :0 It was sooo good a little cringe but i mean it was a webtoon. I did more work of course and it feels kind of good checking off the boxes next to my assignments.
December 11, 2020
Leah Kang
Thursday! Almost the end of the week. Kind of relieved but i have a bigger week coming. Gosh i cannot WAIT until winter break im just gonna be the laziest person ever. Im going to watch my drama and eat and bake and spend christmas with family, after all those finals! Its the only thing keeping me going... just a little more and im done- kind of except for second semester...
December 12, 2020
Leah Kang
Strangely I had a dream... about the second male lead seo jun from True Beauty. I liked him and we were just kind of hanging out together , it was a good dream :-) A saturday feels so good, and this was the first day I didn’t do a single drop of homework. But instead I watched hereditary. It was a little weird, but not the scariest thing ever because usually i get the creeps at night but i forgot about it after the movie was done.
Week 19: November 22 - November 28
November 28, 2020 - Monica Koh
For thanksgiving, since COVID-19 limits us in celebrating to the fullest, we just ordered food at a restaurant. We put up Christmas decorations to celebrate thanksgiving because there wasn’t anything left to do. We also watched a bunch of movies and had a lot of cake!
Katelyn - November 26th 2020
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my health and the time I spend with my family. I hope everyone else is staying healthy and is enjoying their time at home during these times. My Thanksgiving was celebrated with a mix of the other holidays. My family and I went to a drive-through Christmas adventure at the OC Fairgrounds. I am so grateful for Drive-through events because they are such a creative way to bring some fun into our lives right now. After eating a yummy Thanksgiving feast made by my mom, we all watched a horror/thriller movie called Fantasy Island. To end the night, we played games on our Kinect 360. It is a relatively old play console, but it was a fun way to be active after spending a lot of time sitting.
I think this break was a wonderful opportunity to relax for a bit and revisit the things that make us unique. Speaking of which, I have been taking MBTI personality tests recently. I find ti really interesting to see if the results match with who I think i am. I keep getting that I am an ESFP, which means I am “The Entertainer.” In my opinion, most of the description for an ESFP matches with how I interact with the world around me. However, there were some aspects that I didn’t completely believe. For example, ESFPs are known to have a harder time with commitment than most. I don’t think this is necessarily true for myself, which shows that each individual is truly different from one another. I hope people take the time to understand each other and see what makes each person special.
Amy Park
Today since it's a special week due to thanks giving break I had to attend a zoom meeting for school. Monday is originally an independent day where you don’t attend any class. Which also means that I can't sleep a lot, I was tired but happy at the same time since we have thanksgiving break soon. After the class I went to Costco and many different shops with my mom. It was black Friday week so many things were cheaper than usual. I couldn’t go out shopping many times due to covid, so I had a very fun time. There were many people. I think it’s because this Friday is black friday. I wish there is two black Fridays in a year. We bought a lot of things and spent a lot of money. Even though my leg was a little hurting but it was a special day for me hehe.
Amy Park
Today is thanksgiving day yay! I could sleep a lot today since I don’t have to go to school. My family ate special korean foods to celebrate. It was really delicious and fun. I also made macarons in thanksgiving colors like red, brown, green. Baking it’s my hobby and it is really fun and healing for me. Today I enjoyed my free time, I did not want to do any work so I just lay down, watched youtube and talked with my family. All of my great teachers did not give me any work to enjoy my Thanksgiving break, so I was able to rest and not think about any school work. Also, today was a day that I think of and thanks to many people, like family friends, health and many other things. I thought that the reason why I am living such a confident and happy life is because of all the good people around me and I felt really thankful to so many people. But also not only people I was especially thankful about my health and that I did not get covid. This year was kind of a dangerous year due to covid and I am grateful and thankful for being healthy and how none of my family or friends did not get covid. Today was a lot of thankful think day, and I think I fully rested or enjoyed my thanksgiving day!.
Amy Park
Today I slept a lot again and felt great when I woke up but I was also sad that the Thanksgiving break is ending and how I have to go to school again. I did not want to lay down all day so I made cream-cheese walnut bread, since it is bread it took me a lot of time to make it but it was still fun haha. I was also planning to review some of my school work since I was spending my time just resting for two days but I was too lazy so I moved this plan to tomorrow. It is so hard to just sit down and start my school work. I wish I could successfully finish this plan tomorrow.
Amy Park
Today I woke up kind of early to be ready for my korean class zoom meeting. It was the last korean zoom meeting so I was kind of sad and felt empty. I think it is going to be empty Saturday starting next week. Sometimes it was boring to attend korean class as a TA but most of the time I had fun being as a TA in korean class and to help or teach people who don’t speak korean well. Today since it was the last day we had presentation time for each person and it was fun to listen to people doing presentations in korean.I also attended the zoom meeting for mental health training, it was kind of boring but also interesting at the sametime. It was only a one hour zoom meeting but I think I learned or realized many things. Then today I actually reviewed my school work and planned to study for finals. It is the first final for me so I am already really nervous and scared about the final. I think I actually spend time wisely by doing my school work and attending zoom meetings and I wish I could keep spending time wisely next week too.
Week 18: November 15 - November 21
11/15 Sunday
Amy Park
Oh no I woke up too late today, I was almost late to the worship! After the worship I practiced my trumpet, it has been awhile that I did not play trumpet, so it was quite difficult for me to play the music. I think I have to practice more constantly every day to get better. I am kind of sad that I can’t play my instrument to school but I am kind of happy that I don’t have to bring my heavy trumpet to school haha.
11/16 Monday
Amy Park
I did not have to go on zoom or school since today is Monday. In my school (woodbridge) every Monday is an independent day, the day I could catch up work. But I still had to wake up at 8 am because I had a science quiz at 9 am. So I woke up at 8 am to brainstorm and review than I took the test. I was a bit nervous but the test went well for me, which made the great start of the day. However, there was a problem, I couldn’t keep my promise that I am going to use my time wisely, I mostly watch youtube even though my plan was to review school work. I think it is really hard to use my time wisely haha.
11/17 Tuesday
Amy Park
I went on zoom today, waking up at 8 am was not hard, I have zero periods on thursday and friday, so waking up at 8 am wasn’t hard hehe. While the class time I was thinking how can I spend class time happily. I wish class time was fun for me but it wasn’t hehe, it was boring. At least today is zoom day, I could exit the class early. Today, I think I spend time better than yesterday but I think it’s not enough, I wish I could use my time more wisely tomorrow.
11/18 Wednesday
Amy Park
I had to go to school today, every school day I am getting used to wearing a mask for a long time. But it is still hard and frustrating to wear a mask for all school hours. Today’s school day was quite nervous for me since I am getting my math test back. My score was good enough but I made some very not understandable (stupid) mistake, so I promise to myself to not rush and take my time for next test.
11/19 Thursday
Amy Park
I had a zoom this morning but it was just check in afternoon assignment (it was a playing assignment so I couldn’t do it in the morning). So I was able to sleep more after a zero period check in. Today, I went on a date with my mom. It was really fun since it had been awhile that I dated with her. I think I used my time well today and I was able to decrease my screen time. I hope this keeps up going!
November 15, 2020
Leah Kang
As a usual sunday, I finished up my homework and I also made corn cheese! Corn cheese is just corn and cheese melted together, and I think its korean. However sunday anxiety hit again.
November 16, 2020
Leah Kang
The first day of the week is always dreadful and I even had a spanish test today. It was not too bad, but I realized I was procrastinating way too much today, So i tried to finish up some extra work for my class and club.
November 17, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was actually not a bad day. As usual I had zoom online school, and then I played with my dog. But tomorrow is the day I get to see my sister since she came down from Santa Barbara! I also discord called my friends maybe planning something since we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
November 18, 2020
Leah Kang
Finally!!! My sister is here in Irvine and Rowland Heights. I can’t imagine only children, since they have no siblings. Sometimes it would sound nice to have no fights and not share everything, but I also feel like I wouldn’t develop a personality. She plays a big part in who I am, and I feel so much more less lonely.
We went to Tiger Sugar for boba, and had an early Thanksgiving since we can’t meet next week.
November 19, 2020
Leah Kang
Thursdayy!!! Almost the end of the week, then the break! But I had a math quiz for pre calc... I’m not doing too well lol. I studied late but my dog kept bothering me hahah. Math is my weakness and I need help getting it up but I just cannot understand it ....
November 20, 2020
Leah Kang
I went to see my sister again! She was with her friend and they invited me to come hang out for a bit at heritage plaza. We tried out Orobae, and it was really good! We also went to daiso and looked around. Its nice seeing other people.
November 19, 2020: Grace Cho
I went to school today and I was so tired by the end of the day. I had two tests today, but they weren’t that bad. I talked to some new people and it was nice, but also a little awkward. Tomorrow is already Friday...I think this week went even faster than usual. I’m so excited for Thanksgiving break and I hope I don’t have much work to do.
November 20, 2020: Grace Cho
It’s finally Friday. I didn’t have to do much work today which was nice. I didn’t do much today so I just took a break. Today was pretty nice. I’m so happy and excited for next week because after Monday and Tuesday, there’s a Thanksgiving break :)
Week 17: November 8 - November 14
November 14 2020: Ashley Jo
On my way to class during the later half of last week, I told my friends that despite the blur of a year January-October 2020 was, November 2020 can make up for the whole year because of how slow every day has gone by. Maybe it’s because I just can’t wait for Thanksgiving + Thanksgiving Break + Black Friday + my birthday to come, but this month has been so long and it’s only been 15 days! A lot has happened within the past few 15 days though: the election, announcement of the president and vp-elect, Trump’s lawsuits, huge spike in COVID-19 cases, as well as things in my personal life. I started this school year burnt out, and it’s amazing that I’ve made it through 3 months, and I don’t mean that in a good way. I know that people around me are concerned for me, or at least I tell myself that they are, and I’m honestly really concerned for myself too, but there’s no time to stop and take a break. I’m sorry to all the optimists out there, but in my life, there’s no break. I’ve been really disappointed in myself the past few weeks, from not being able to complete assignments to the best of my ability or falling asleep late at night when I should be studying instead. I doubt Thanksgiving break will give me the break that I truly need, but with every ounce of hope I have left in me, I hope it can steer me back onto a more hopeful, successful path for my mental/physical health, education, relationships, etc..
November 8, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was a good sunday! I had fun calling my friends through discord, and i did my homework. I procrastinated a lot on my work but i was able to finish up. But sunday night dread about school the next day is the worstt
November 9, 2020
Leah Kang
Mondays give me so much anxiety because of assignments and I can’t sit down without worrying about finishing something... Maybe its because I procrastinate too much. I also watched a drama and Im watching several! So as I eat I watch them.
November 10, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was a regular school day as usual (distance learning) and it was not too bad. However I went onto Youtube and I saw Tzuyang was back! She is a korean mukbang youtuber and she took a 2 month break but now she uploaded like ten videos eating at Yokji island. She eats soooo much its interesting to see and she is so nice!
November 11, 2020
Leah Kang
Veterans Day!! Wednesday is off and I had a chance to relax! But teachers still assigned work. I thought the purpose of a day off is to have a day off? I still appreciate it but I still had to work at the same time to do homework.
November 12, 2020
Leah Kang
Already towards the end of the week.... Sometimes the week passes by really quick hahaha! I played more among us as well by myself this time, even though its more fun with friends, but seems like everyone is busy. I also was busy with tests and such but I decided to play for a bit.
November 13, 2020
Leah Kang
I had an APHUG test today and it was alright, that class is actually very fun and interesting because its not about history but about cultures and people, and not exactly on a specific group of people but how people are distributed, their behavior and about land but not geography. After, I started a new show! Its pretty old but its called American Horror Story. It can be kind of gory or confusing but its really good! Im looking forward to finishing all nine seasons!
Amy Park
11/8/2020 Sunday
I went to online worship on zoom today! Since the pandemic is happening I have to worship through a zoom meeting. I am now used to zoom meetings too much, I think it will be awkward to go to the church to worship. Since I can’t go outside to play and I hate wearing masks, after the worship I just watched youtube. I really want to use my time wisely but I don’t think I am, maybe I could start practice to use my time more wisely.
Amy Park
11/9/2020 Monday
My school had a special schedule this week because of the veterans day on wednesday. Regularly Monday is an independent day which I don’t have to go on to zoom or school and it is just time to catch up but I had to go on to zoom because we have Wednesday off. Our school schedule is like one day zoom and one day school and the order depends on the cohort. I think I kind of used my time wisely today, and I wish this continues on.
Amy Park
11/10/2020 Tuesday
I went to school today. I had to wake up at 7:50 since school started at 8:30 ( at least I don:t have zero period today). I have been going to school since September 25th (I think) but I am still not getting used to wearing masks and awkward classrooms because of social distancing. But I am happy to see my friends and teachers. I had a math test today and I felt confident with my test but school was still boring haha.
Amy Park
11/11/2020 Wednesday
I did not had to do anything today since today is veterans day. I woke up at nine am, I don't know why but I couldn’t sleep more than that. I totally did not use my time wisely today, my plan was to review spanish and science but because of laziness I didn’t. But today was really a happy day, laying on the bed and watching youtube was so happy for my haha. Then I promised myself to again use my time wisely starting tomorrow.
Amy Park
11/12/2020 Thursday
Today I had zero periods, and since today is zoom day for me I had to wake up at 6:45 am. This is so early for me and I was so tired in the morning. I have jazz on zero period but we can’t really play wind instruments, so it was boring. I am also kind of upset that we can’t do a concert (band or jazz). I wish this pandemic would end so I could actually enjoy going to school and play my instrument.
Amy Park
11/13/2020 Friday
Finally today is Friday but I had to wake up at 6:20 since I have to go to school so Friday isn’t really happy for me. I almost fell asleep during class, I wish I could find some way to make boring class time exciting haha. After school, today I think I used my time wisely, for me it was so hard to not be lazy but I think I am a more hardworking person. I wish this continues on to my next week too.
Week 16: October 11- October 24
Hyunjoon Kim
If the world was coronavirus free for one day only, I would ask all my friends to have a party: eat food, go to karaoke, drink boda, and just talk. I learned how there is a significant difference between actually meeting up with friends and talking through online via zoom. I miss going to the library with friends and studying the entire day, and grab some food next to the library. Not only that, but I also miss just talking with my friends face to face; talking through zoom or google meet is boring! Lastly, I would tell future generations that this time was hard and challenging, but also a time when people realized the importance of actually meeting up with each other and hanging out.
October 18, 2020
Leah Kang
Sundays are tiring because I have to do my homework. However I played among us with my friends again it was really fun and we stayed up until midnight playing it. It’s really fun when you’re on a call with them and it’s more fun than playing with strangers.
October 19, 2020
Leah Kang
today is Monday and it was all right except that I had a math quiz today. It was really hard and I couldn’t finish it in time and I probably missed a few questions and got some wrong so it was difficult for me. Math is a subject I struggle with, more than all the other classes.
October 20, 2020
Leah Kang
Today I obviously had school and it was all right however after school I scheduled to go get my braces removed. I thought I wouldn’t get it removed and they would say that I needed one more month but I got them off! It feels so weird and smooth almost slimy and I also got the permanent retainer and that it’s almost as bad as braces because it’s sharp. However it feels nice!
October 21, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was Wednesday and it went pretty smooth except I had a quiz for physics that day due by midnight. Physics is all right except it can be difficult to understand and it’s a concept that is hard for me to grasp however math is still harder than this. I slept in after my short 30 minute tutorial class was over until like 1 PM.
October 22, 2020
Leah Kang
Thursdays are always a good day of the week even though the next day there’s probably like a quiz or a test. however Thursdays feel good because the next day you know it’s Friday and it’s going to be the last day it’s going to be all over! I find it funny that every single week we can’t wait for the week to be over even though we should be enjoying every day of our life because our life is so short but instead we feel like we should be getting every week over with until friday.
October 23, 2020
Leah Kang
Today is a Friday and it was all right I didn’t have any test or quizzes this week which is good! At around 6;30 I had a meeting with the podcast team and we discussed the ethnic studies episode and we edited our script. i’m starting to feel like online zoom meetings are actually a lot more efficient than meeting in person because you can meet several times a week without actually driving anywhere or wasting gas and also it’s much more easier to sit at a desk for an hour then meet in person for an hour. At 8 PM I had a meeting with my school magazine club and we discussed the article that were writing about fall fashion and we organize the time and date to photograph and it was really fun! I then played among us with my friends again by discord.
Week 15: September 20 - October 3, 2020
August 2nd, 2020
My school recently changed its online distance learning schedule. We returned to a block schedule as preparation for when we get back to normal. But now our Fridays are full of asynchronous learning, so the students don’t have to show up to any Zoom meetings. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. This means I get some leniency to sleep-in on Fridays, but I also think that I’m missing out on some critical learning time.
My school usually has dodgeball tournaments around this season. Since we couldn’t do that this year, the Leadership class held a Minecraft Cake Wars Esports Tournament instead. My brother competed in the game with a team in which they called themselves The Unoriginals. Sadly, my brother and his team did not win because they accidentally got disconnected from the server. That’s one of the downsides of relying too much on technology, but I’m glad to see that my school found another way to engage the student body with one another.
In celebration of the start of October, my parents and I went to a “spooky” drive-through event held at the Orange County Fairgrounds. I was half-scared, half-excited to try it out. It ended up being pretty fun. I love seeing just how creative people can be to overcome the limitations of COVID-19. I hope we can continue to foster that creativity while also remaining safe.
September 27, 2020
Leah Kang
I worked on homework assignments on a sunday night like usual. During the day I facetimed my friend and worked on other homework! I feel like homework just fills my entire days up and I don’t remember a day where I laid down and had no assignments to work on.
September 28, 2020
Leah Kang
I recently downloaded a game called among us which I think everyone has by now hahahah! Its a game where theres a group of people and one or three people are imposters. If you are an imposter your goal is to kill everyone and if you are just a crew mate you do tasks and report any bodies or watch out for suspicious activity. Its very fun!
September 29, 2020
Leah Kang
Tuesdays I get the most assignments because we do not have class on wednesdays so they always give extra assignments for us... Assignments are always coming:-(
September 30, 2020
Leah Kang
Today I slept in until 2:00 pm and it felt so nice! Recently I have been sleeping at like 2:00 -4:00 am because of caffeinated drinks like coffee or teas. And I also can’t sleep early because of so much homework!!! I work at 3:00 pm and I still cannot get my assignments finished by 11:00 pm. Its been a stressful week for me.
October 1, 2020
Leah Kang
First day of October! I love October because that means the holidays are coming. Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Im also still sad and disappointed that corona is still major here. I have been wearing a mask, disinfecting and washing my hands every time I go out even when it is just walking outside the house.
October 2, 2020
Leah Kang
My sister came home from college! She is visiting us shortly but it is still nice to have her here! We had fun talking and eating together and I would like to visit her in her city again. We spend time together by watching drama and making things. I also rewatched Euphoria, a show that I really like. So that was fun to do!
September 22 2020: Ashley Jo
I have today off from school because it’s staff development day. This is the only reason why I’m kind of thankful for high school; I didn’t have these random days off in elementary/middle school, but elementary/middle school was less demanding so makes sense we would have a few extra days off. I’m really behind on homework so I’m really concerned. I think about previous years of the great student I was (not boasting but I was on top of everything and was able to spend enough time on the things I wanted to) and it makes me feel real crappy (excuse my language) about the work ethic I have right now. Hopefully it’ll get a bit better when we go back to in-person instruction on Thursday!
September 24 2020: Ashley Jo
A lot of people had mixed feelings about going back to in-person school. We’re going back in a structured manner where only half of the students will be on campus every day, but I understand why some people would still be nervous. In-class instruction is similar to online instruction so a lot of people were complaining about having to go to school when they could stay at home. I didn’t know if I preferred online or in-person classes, but after going to school today, I much rather prefer in-person. There’s a lot of risk, but I’ve never felt so alive during the lost 6-7 months of quarantine. The only teachers I miss more than other teachers are my music teachers because this is my 3rd year with both of them and seeing them made me so happy. Today was odd classes, all my easy classes, so I’m more concerned about tomorrow with online instruction for all my difficult/intense classes.
September 25 2020: Ashley Jo
Online classes weren’t as bad as I thought. I know people don’t like staying on Zoom for the whole class period, but that’s the only way I actually work so I was thankful. I have a lot of homework this weekend so I’ll probably pull a few all-nighters. I was hesitant to hop onto the ios 14 trend with changing app icons, but I did it and I don’t know what to feel about it. Hopefully it’ll grow on me because it took me a long time to do. I want to do more, but I don’t have a lot of time to spend on these types of things… I was not expecting junior year to be this demanding…
September 26 2020: Ashley Jo
If the world ended tomorrow, I would actually jump with joy. I have way too much homework that pulling multiple all-nighters won’t even help! For any students reading this, I highly discourage taking APUSH. It doesn’t matter what school you go to: APUSH will be the most demanding class you will ever have to take in high school. I was genuinely excited to take APUSH because American History is interesting to me, but with the pressures and speed of preparation for AP, it’s not fun. There’s no time to enjoy the material; it’s just constant grinding. I mean you could take APUSH, but try to avoid taking other time-consuming classes with it because you’re going to be pushed more than you’ve ever had. I’ll probably pull an all-nighter tonight… wish me luck...
September 30 2020: Ashley Jo
It’s Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week, reached the end of the month, survived a full month of school, pulled multiple all-nighters, cried a lot of tears. Life was been pretty okay. Even though I know I should be studying, I manage to fit in some time to do the things I actually enjoy doing which is crazy. I guess that’s one good thing of being less motivated to work hard: I can focus on myself a little more. I just can’t wait for this week to be over. After my APUSH and AP Physics test/quiz, I’m free! I have a math exam next week, but I’m not too worried about math. I just want to be able to sleep again. I’m so sleep deprived that coffee doesn’t help.
October 1 2020: Ashley Jo
Happy Chuseok day! It was a rough day at school today. Most people have 6 classes, some even have 7, but I have 8 periods which means I have 4 classes every day, each about 1.5 hours long. Not going to lie, it’s difficult to stay attentive for that long, especially in challenging classes that make you doubt your every answer and word that comes out of your mouth. Because today is Chuseok, my mom and I went grocery shopping for some “songpyeon”, but she made a huge mistake bringing me to the market when I was hungry. My mom is usually really strict with the food I eat; she makes home-cooked meals every single day and limits the amount of sugar/processed foods we have. At one point, my sister and I were limited to having one ramen per month. Quarantine changed her though because whenever I’m craving something, she just buys it for me. And this isn’t a coincidence; it has happened so many times. I like it cause now I can eat whatever I want whenever I want, but I’m sure my body is going to punish me later for all the sugary, fatty, processed foods I’ve been eating. The article I wrote for KAYL: Newsflash also got uploaded today and it’s a fulfilling thing to see my work published somewhere online. My writing isn’t perfect obviously and I’m so scared of what others might think, even if they don’t share their opinion with me, but it brings me joy knowing that I was able to write something that’s worth sharing with the public. I loved writing the article and I have another one written already, along with a few ideas for future articles, so I can’t wait to see Newsflash grow and gain some following/attention.
Week 14: September 13 - September19, 2020
Amber Lee
September 17, 2020
After a few weeks of online school, I can conclude that there is a lot more work and time needed then I thought there would be. I do zoom classes from 8:30-3:10, then I do homework from 3:10-4:30. Next, I go to soccer where we social distance in our own squares, then back home to eat dinner and do homework till at least 10 pm. I am always on electronics throughout the week, so I got blue-light glasses. This way, hopefully my eyes will not get super ruined from my computer.
Amber Lee
September 18, 2020
Today, I hung out with my best friend and had so much fun! We haven’t seen each other in about 2 months as we were following corona guidelines, but we finally met up again. We still wore masks and had no contact, but it was still super exciting to talk in person and catch up. My friend is going back to Portola next week since she chose hybrid, but I will not be at school with her because I am taking IVA. But good news! We will see each other every Monday for high school soccer. I am glad that things are going slowly back to normal, but hopeful that everyone else will respect the new rules.
September 13, 2020
Leah Kang
Today I had a meeting for textbanking with Tammy Kim! It was so interesting to see how the program worked and it was very cool to see how people responded. It varied a lot and I enjoyed it. I also finished my homework last minute for school.
September 14, 2020
Leah Kang
My mom and I started a new TV program and it included a lot of movies. We have started to watch movies such as Little Women because of Timothee Chalamet, and I needed to see him in it! I did not really enjoy the plot but it was for Timothee hahaha!
September 15, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was uneventful except for watching more movies! We also started a new drama! It is called Record of Youth on Netflix starring Park Bo Gum and a girl from Parasite. I love both actors and it is so interesting and well directed. It is my favorite thing to do on Mondays and Tuesdays. It kind of makes me look forward to Mondays And Tuesdays because they are the blandest days of the week.
September 16, 2020
Leah Kang
I had two zoom meetings today! Sometimes these online meetings drain me easily. I feel limp after, not physically but just feel kind of stuffy. One was for a club about wellness and mental health. It was enjoyable and I took a nap in it because we had to do breathing exercises. The other was for Tammy Kim. This time it was phone banking! This was interesting as well. It was my first time and people were nice, while some were nosy, while some were kind of rude. However I did not take any of it personally and went on with my day!
September 17, 2020
Leah Kang
I went to Target today! Although it does not seem like much, I rarely go out now. I stay home all week. That sounds horrible but I have nowhere to go. Target is my happy place! I had fun going around and getting my favorite snacks hehe.. Sometimes the small things in life is what makes you feel better!
September 18, 2020
Leah Kang
FRIDAY! I love fridays ahhhh- I accidentally woke up late for school, but exactly at 8:30 am. I was so close but I think teachers let us off the hook for a few minutes. I went through with classes with no tests! Fridays usually have a lot of tests and quizzes but today was enjoyable!
Week 13: September 6 - September 12, 2020
Skye Lee - September 5, 2020
I paddleboarded for the first time today! It’s a lot harder than it looks but it was very fun. There were multiple times I almost got ran over by a motorized boat and a separate instance in which I ran into a group of people hanging out but nevertheless, I had a great time.
Once my family was done with our paddleboards, we all took a shower and headed out to Reno for dinner. We had the Twisted Fork which our family wasn’t very satisfied with but it was simply because their food wasn’t our family's style so we went to McDonald’s to get a McFlurry.
We finally headed back to our hotel room in Lake Tahoe to relax for the next day.
Skye Lee - September 6, 2020
On our 2nd full day at Lake Tahoe, my family and I started off with a slow start to our morning with breakfast and packing up to move to our next hotel room. But before we checked in to the next hotel, we drove down to Emerald Bay and hiked there. It was a very nice hike with a beautiful view. However, once we were done at around 2pm, we were ready for lunch. It took a good 40 minutes to reach the town and when we finally did, it took another 30 minutes to find a place to eat lunch at, then an additional 20 minutes to get our food. But once we were finally done it was 4pm and we decided to go river rafting. Turns out, however, that they were all booked up and recommended us to check out the place again tomorrow at 8:30AM.
So let’s see how river rafting goes tomorrow!
Skye Lee - September 7, 2020
We barely got a chance to river raft today but fortunately, they let us in and it was definitely one of the highlights on our Lake Tahoe Trip.
During river rafting, we ran into trees and rocks quite frequently. However, there was one moment that almost ruined our entire experience.
There was a huge tree trunk that jut out into the river, cutting the space that we initially had by almost 3/4ths. When we saw that, we all made an effort to avoid that. However, in the last minute, with our bad paddling skills and the river’s current, we got closer and closer to the huge tree trunk and within a split second, there was water flooding into my Crocs. I turned around as I was sitting at the back to find out that our raft was pinned under the tree trunk so I had to push the inflatable raft down so that it could be let loose from the tree trunk. However, once the chaos ended, I come to find out that my sister and mom accidentally let go of our paddles. So we had to use our hands as paddles, trying to chase down the oars that were drifting with the river’s current. Fortunately, though, people hiking saw us along the way and a very nice man was able to attain our oars and from there, we had smooth sailing.
Skye Lee - September 8, 2020
Ah, there’s truly no place like home. Jumping into my bed after the trip, I forgot how nice my bed was and I woke up feeling rejuvenated.
The thing about vacations is it doesn’t fully feel like one unless you’ve been through a lot of work then have finally caught up with most of it and have nothing left to do.
When I was in elementary school, I never realized the value in doing absolutely nothing because at that time there was no discrepancy between a vacation and when I was back here in America. I barely had anything to worry about. But finally during those times when I visited Asia in high school over the summer, I’ve come to appreciate the slower pace with absolutely nothing to do because on a usual basis I would have 5 million things rushing through my head. So even when I have a little getaway trip in the middle of the school year, it’s still stressful having to catch up with all my peers.
I guess it looks like I’ll just have to wait till next summer or hopefully winter break.
Skye Lee - September 9, 2020
I saw my friend rate each of her classes so I’m going to do it too.
AP Lang - Of all my teachers, my AP Lang teacher is the nicest and most understanding. The class also seems pretty chill so far but I took the diagnostic test that my teacher provided and I did a lot worse than I anticipated.
Health - This class is really easy but my classmates are all underclassmen and are really immature. They’re always having side conversations in the zoom chats that everyone can see.
Advanced Video Production - I, of course, love this class. But the structure is so different and confusing from what we’re used to since we all have to be socially distanced.
AP Environmental Science - I strongly dislike this class. I mean, I don’t really have a passion for science to begin with which was my fault for picking it, but I always thought that APES would be an easy class based on what others have said. However, this class gives me the most amount of work, by far.
AP Macroeconomics - I like what we’re being taught. I find it’s very relevant and interesting but I’m not the best at this class.
Pre-calculus - This class is pretty easy since I studied most of its content when I was studying for the SAT Math II Subject Test over the summer.
Skye Lee - September 10, 2020
Rather than having my 4 hour zoom call with my video production class, I got to head over to my school to film the anchor desk with my co-anchor. It was nice to see some of my classmates in-person at school rather than through a screen.
The way we approached filming anchor desk without our typical set up was to film my part individually, then do a split screen with my co-anchor outside, 6 feet apart. Considering it was my co-anchor’s first time reporting, he did very well.
After that, I had to head over to another crew who was in charge of filming the talent intro and shoot with them. It took a couple of takes for me to get the right movement but eventually I got it.
Once I was done filming, I gave some feedback for the editors as to which footage to use for the show and then I headed home.
September 7, 2020
Leah Kang
Labor day! So glad I have a break from online school and homework and the assignments. Lately, it has been a lot of work and stress and quizzes have been very hard. I think they are making it harder in case anybody cheats. But I have another day off tomorrow!
September 8, 2020
Leah Kang
Another break from school is so relaxing. I can wake up and not stress about the wifi working or having to make sure I'm constantly mute. It gets very repetitive. However, I did some homework and cleaned up my desk and had a good day! Tomorrow is school though -
September 10, 2020
Leah Kang
This is my first actual first day of school of the week. Wednesdays are tutorial days and class is only 30 minutes long. Its exhausting honestly. In the beginning it was fine and I thought it was easier than normal school. But it can be sooo repetitive and tiring and the class and the teacher doesn't seem real. I feel like I'll never meet anyone and this year will be like this forever. Schoolwork is also difficult. Just because it is online doesn’t mean everything is easy. I miss going to school and seeing people without a mask.
September 11, 2020
Leah Kang
Friday!! I had an okay friday but I still have some assignments. I had some packages and opened them up, as online shopping is what everyone does during corona. I stayed up super later until 4 am watching YouTube with my mom. I also had my first Podcast team meeting and attended that, it helped us figure out what we should work on by some soft deadlines.
Skye Lee - August 31, 2020
Instead of writing the typical diary entry today, I’m going to give you my schedule because for the first time in a while I got out of the house for more than 30 minutes.
8:30AM - breakfast
9:00AM - UCSB virtual tour
9:15AM - 2 Enviro Virtual Quizzes
10:30AM - Got gas for my car (even doing something like that was fun for me)
11AM - Did some more homework
12PM - Lunch
1:30PM - Advisement with the funniest virtual pep assembly
2:00PM - Picked up baked goods for a segment I’m working on
2:30PM - Picked up equipment for a segment I’m working on
3:00PM - Shoot
My schedule fell into place perfectly today and I don’t know why that makes me so happy.
Skye Lee - September 4, 2020
This morning at 7am, my family and I started on our road trip to Lake Tahoe! For the longest time, I thought everyone liked traveling including me but I think I’ve come to realize that over the years I’m the biggest homebody and prefer staying at home. However, I’m quite excited for this trip since it’s going to be a break in my daily routine of doing homework and staying home all day after being cooped in quarantine.
So far, we’ve passed by Mono Lake which was very pretty but it smelled really bad as we got closer to the lake and because of that we left as soon as possible.
Then, we drove for another few hours and finally arrived at Lake Tahoe! But turns out our original hotel room was double-booked so we ended up finding an alternative which was going to a different hotel room each day at Lake Tahoe.
After that, we had dinner at Whitecaps Pizza. We ate outdoors and the view was so gorgeous. The pizza was also delicious and it was the perfect way to start off our trip at Lake Tahoe.
Week 12: August 23 - August 29, 2020
8/26/20 - Hyunjoon Kim
Wednesday is when our school only has a tutorial period where we just need to go to a selected class for one hour. I like Wednesday because I can do so many different things after school. Instead of just studying, I actually exercised today. I played golf and road bike with my dad. When I came back home doing all the sports, I was so tired so I jumped on my bad, took a nap. After I took a nap, it was 8 pm. Time to study!
8/27/20 - Hyunjoon Kim
There were few ants walking around everywhere in my house. While catching those small ants, I had a bad feeling that an entire group of ants will come to the house and just settle. My feeling was not wrong… Thousands of ants were lined up and they were going towards somewhere near the living room. Since this was not the first time that ants attacked my house, I calmed down and placed one of the ants killing medicine near the ants, hoping that they will disappear tomorrow.
8/28/20 - Hyunjoon Kim
The first thing I did early in the morning was to check out whether the ants were still there and I noticed that there were no single ants in my house! Anyway, Friday is kind of a day when the classes feel super long. After class, I had my golf tee time booked up at 4 so I was playing a game with my brother until I had to leave my house. Since I didn’t practice before the round and went straight to the tee box and played, I was suffering in the beginning, but still got my average score overall, which was kind of surprising. When I got home, it was 8 pm and noticed that I had a bunch of studies to do so….
Skye Lee - August 26, 2020
I had 5 meetings today and I’m exhausted!
I started off the day with getting ready for my senior portraits and then joining my 10 minute check in zoom meeting for my health class. It went longer than what I had anticipated so I had to leave in the middle of class to head over to my senior portrait session.
After the pictures, we decided to stop by Del Taco and get food for my sister and I. I came back home 5 minutes prior to my second class so I was rushing to get everything ready. The class was very overwhelming.
I had my last class after which was a 10 minute check-in with my math teacher. I was 5 minutes late since she made it so complicated to get into the meeting. But once I was done, I decided to buy Starbucks 10 minutes before another meeting I had and luckily I arrived back home in time. The Starbucks gave me enough energy to finish my meeting, Health homework and attempt my Enviro homework but not enough for my last meeting of the day. The last meeting didn’t go as well as I thought and overall, today wasn’t the best day. But I’m glad I got this day over with.
At least for a while now, I won’t have any more than 3 meetings a day.
Skye Lee - August 27, 2020
Wow, that’s funny. I actually thought I wouldn’t have any more than 3 meetings a day but turns out I had longer meetings than yesterday.
I had 3 90-minute long classes and for my school’s video production team, we ended up continuing to have ROP nights virtually. In other words, every Thursday at my school we’d spend 4 hours from 4:15-8:15pm at class working on our broadcast show. I didn’t think we’d have it this year because of the pandemic but my teacher announced it to us two hours prior 4:15 so we ended up being on a call for 4 hours.
My eyes are so heavy and I think I’m going to sleep at 11pm. I’m slowly starting to hate virtual school more and more.
Skye Lee - August 28, 2020
With so many students on zoom calls all day long, I thought I’d provide some advice as to how to give your eyes a break and reduce headaches.
Invest in bluelight glasses! They’re cheap and you can easily find a variety on Amazon. It’s worth buying with the pandemic not seeming to get better anytime soon.
Remove your phone from your sight when you're on a call. Apparently, you use 10% of your brain’s energy checking to see if your phone is near you. But instead, hide it. Don’t waste your brain’s energy on your phone when you’re not using it.
Stay hydrated! There’s no harm in drinking more water every now and then.
Practice 20-20-20. After 20 minutes, stare at something 20 feet out for 20 seconds.
Get outside, take in the vitamin D, don’t bring your phone though!
August 20, 2020
Leah Kang
Another school day as usual… It’s starting to get a little hard physically as my back aches and my neck hurts and my eyes burn. I’m still glad the workload is manageable and school starts later but ends earlier!
August 21, 2020
Leah Kang
A friday!!!!! Fridays really are the best- less homework and being able to relax without worrying about homework due at 11:59 pm. I took a nap and spent the rest of the night watching Amazon Prime movies.
August 24, 2020
Leah Kang
I could not sleep again, and this has happened many times. I cannot sleep until like 3:00-4:00 am. Maybe anxiety? Or maybe I haven’t burned enough energy? On regular school days last year I would be able to sleep at 11:30 very quick but I don't think I am using enough energy to go to sleep well.
August 26, 2020
Leah Kang
Finally a Wednesday! It comes close to Fridays because school ends at 9:50 am. After school though, I have been postmating food so that has been interesting! Overall a good day because I also slept in more after marking attendance.
August 27, 2020
Leah Kang
I can’t believe a full two weeks of school has passed. It probably does not seem real because I don’t go outside. It really seems like the teachers and all my classmates are imaginary, like I’ll never see them in real life. I wish I could see them. I also had to make a decision on whether I should be doing hybrid or online school, so I chose online. Hybrid school involved glass walls, masks in the hot weather, and separated desks. I would rather show my full face and be able to talk freely.
August 28, 2020
Leah Kang
My sister came home! She attends college in Santa Barbara so I rarely get to see her! Finally something that made my week exciting. My house seems livelier and we all seem to be in a better mood. My sleeping schedule will probably get worse because she sleeps very late though.
Week 11: August 16 - August 22, 2020
Amber Lee
August 20th 2020
Before the official week of school starts, I did some last minute activities as summer came to an end. For instance, I asked my parents and sister to give me any clothes they don’t wear anymore, and I sewed, cut, and glued together a cute article of clothing. I have made 7 types of shirts, however, some look a little questionable. When I am not making clothes or doing some work, I go on tik tok, scrolling through the for you page. I can get sucked in for hours, but I try to set a limit of 10-20 minutes. Another fun activity I have been doing is making crafts from things around the house, or kits that I find I have never done. For instance, I made a lip gloss using ingredients like vaseline and aloe vera gel. Lastly, I workout throughout the day. I go on a run in the morning, and do some ab, butt, and arm workouts at night.
Amber Lee
August 21, 2020
Throughout this pandemic, I get nervous and panic because I feel mad at myself that I wasn’t productive when I had so much time. Sometimes, I would just get my mind off of it by watching Youtube, or going on my phone. This later makes me even more frustrated that I was procrastinating, and the whole cycle continues. I thought that I was just being lazy during this pandemic, which caused me to not do anything. However, after listening to some podcasts and videos, I realized that this pandemic is a huge deal, and it is normal to have some stress over not doing enough. I have learned to deal with my stress by doing homework and setting a routine, and by taking breaks often so I don’t overwork myself. Going through a routine everyday really helps me stick to a schedule and get things done.
Skye Lee - August 17, 2020
Today was unlike a typical weekday for me. Rather than studying for my SATs, I had to film 3 action shots for my school’s show intro. It took up a lot more time than I had anticipated since a lot of what I originally planned out didn’t work.
Additionally, after one of my meetings, I headed out and hung out with my friends since the last time I saw them which was over a month ago. I’m always hesitant to leave my house during this time but with school starting soon and many of my senior friends leaving for college, I decided to make an exception this time. Of course, I continued to follow all safety guidelines like wearing a mask at all times. I joined late but I met my friends at Fashion Island. Then we went to Cha for Tea. There were a lot more people that I expected, probably because it was a Friday night. I, then, went back home. It was a good day.
Skye Lee - August 18, 2020
For the longest time, I really wanted a puppy but eventually that desire died down after becoming a lot more busy at school and knowing about all the responsibilities that comes with being a dog-owner.
However, recently, my family has been looking at dogs to adopt or buy since we’re in quarantine and have a lot more time. So we went around to different shelters and breeders today to see which dogs we would be interested in. Our family saw a lot of cute dogs today but didn’t end up bringing them home. We don’t tend to be very spontaneous and I’m somewhat glad we decided to wait on getting a puppy for now. But we’ll see what happens!
Skye Lee - August 19, 2020
I can’t believe I’m starting school tomorrow. How has my summer this year felt like it’s dragged on for 5 years while also passing by in a blink of an eye?
Anyways, here are some of my random fragmented thoughts about the upcoming school year which by the way I’m taking all online with the exception of my Video Production class.
Leading up to this day, I wasn’t looking forward to online school at all but everything seems to be falling into place perfectly.
After finally understanding the weekly schedule, it seems like this year will be pretty manageable!
I think two of my classes are only going to be a semester long which means I will be taking 7 classes instead of 6 which I’m very happy with.
This summer, I tried really hard with keeping a routine so my sleep schedule isn’t too messed up. Phew!
I will be in the 3 of the same class as my friend which is so relieving.
Hm... after writing all the things I’m grateful for today, I’m now a bit more excited for tomorrow. I should write more!
Skye Lee - August 20, 2020
Today was my first day of online school! I woke up at 8:00AM and got ready for school then headed downstairs to eat breakfast before realizing that I had 5 minutes before class started so I decided not to eat.
I, then, joined the call. I had no idea who was going to be in my class besides one of my friends so slowly seeing everyone’s faces pop out on the screen in my advisement was pretty funny. Turns out, I know a lot of people in my advisement which was very relieving. During class, we waited through all the IVA orientation videos which I had already watched so it was kind of redundant.
Overall, though, I’d say my first day of school was a success. My advisement teacher is pretty chill and seems to be pretty understanding of us seniors and what we like.
Skye Lee - August 21, 2020
Recently, I’ve been obsessed with enneagrams! I’ve heard about it before through the Unsolicited Advice podcast but yesterday while procrastinating on SAT studying, I actually got around to taking the personality test and the results I got were very accurate.
I made my entire family and some of my friends take it. I highly recommend for those that are reading this to take one and also get people around you to take it. It’s by far the most tangible and easy personality test.
Some things that I found interesting with my results and my families are…
My sister and I are complete opposites. Whichever number I scored high on, she scored low on.
My mom got the exact results I anticipated from her. She was Type 2 The Giver and Type 9 Peacemaker.
My results were pretty polarized unlike my mom’s who was pretty even throughout.
One of my friends who took it got completely different results than I thought.
August 18, 2020
Leah Kang
Its been a few days since school start but the work has been a lot more manageable and the load is not as heavy. I also prefer Zoom so much more than classes. I don’t get the anxiety and or nervousness, and the Corona is obviously not an issue.
August 19, 2020
Leah Kang
Wednesdays are the best day of for weekdays because its a tutorial day! School starts at 9:00 am and ends at 9:50 just to ask questions and the rest of the day we are free. I am glad the first full week as been okay so far.
Week 10: August 9 - August 15, 2020
August 14, 2020
I started virtual school this week! It was a really interesting experience. It’s so much harder to become familiar with my teachers because everyone is in tiny boxes. For some reason, I found myself to be exhausted after school was over. I don’t understand why because my sleep schedule is fine and the school schedule is not too long. It’s probably because of Zoom fatigue. I don’t know how I will be able to focus and pay attention during the virtual classes. The most awkward thing about Zoom classes is when students are put into break-out rooms. I don’t know most of the students, and sometimes there is nothing to say to each other. On a side note, my eyesight is getting worse and worse from staring at a screen all the time.
I helped out with my school’s Welcome Week for the new students. It was really fun to speak with them, but at the same time, I felt bad for them. They chose to attend my school because they were accepted into an arts conservatory. However, they can’t get the full experience on campus this year, so they aren’t able to learn their art in the way that we would usually do. For example, my orchestra conservatory can’t hold rehearsals. We won’t get to perform as often or play together at all. I really hope that we will be able to go back to campus, at least for the second semester.
Skye Lee - August 10, 2020
Dang it! I fell into the trap of K-dramas again! They’re so addicting to watch and I always forget all about my responsibilities once I start getting into a show.
However, there was a lot of thought that went into me deciding to watch Crash Landing on You. Let me break it down.
For most of quarantine, I tried very hard not to start a drama otherwise I’d get too obsessed and I still had a lot of studying for SATs to do. But because my SAT Subject Test got cancelled so now I have a lot more free time and school is coming up within 10 days, I decided I’d treat myself to a show before school started.
And honestly, I have no regrets haha. This may seem so minor for the people reading this, but I’m relatively good at self-disciplining myself so allowing myself to spend so much of my time watching Netflix was a very big deal.
Skye Lee - August 11, 2020
Today was a fun day. I woke up somewhat earlier than usual, thinking I had time to watch an episode of Crash Landing but as it turned out my family wanted to go somewhere after we dropped my sister off to the beach so I got ready for the day.
We headed out to Newport beach and looking out, I’ve realized how blessed I am to be living in southern California. Then, after we dropped my sister off, we went to Fashion Island to return something. From there, we had lunch and Cha for Tea boba. Once we were done eating, we went to Target so I can buy command hooks for my room. Then, we went to the grocery store and picked my sister up again.
I guess my day wasn’t the kind that most people would classify as fun. But it was nice to go out for a change after being quarantined all week.
Skye Lee - August 12, 2020
Command hooks are one of the best things that have ever been created. I recently bought command hooks from Target the other day to hang up my chargers and now I’m obsessed. I try to find any spot in my room that needs command hooks like my masks so now I have a designated spot for them.
Also, all of last week, I’ve been looking forward to having the boba shaved ice that Meet Fresh recently advertised and we finally went! It had taro balls, boba, and mochi and just a variety of chewy things in the shaved ice. It was really good.
Skye Lee - August 13, 2020
I had a meeting with my school’s club that focuses on easing the transition between different schools for transfer students and it’s now hit me that I start school in 7 days and I’m not looking forward to it at all.
I decided to sign up for Irvine Virtual Academy where classes will be 100% online with the exception of my Video Production class but based on the email I received today from them, it seems like they're closely following a regular school schedule which means being on my computer for 3 hours straight. Also, I’m taking a lot of hard classes next year so I’m hoping they’ll be more lenient with grading, but I don’t know. I guess we’ll see what happens!
Skye Lee - August 14, 2020
Today, I interviewed someone for a video I’m creating for the nonprofit organization - Crossroads Initiative. We had to bring 3 metal chairs up a hill, but at the end it was worth it because the view was gorgeous. We shot from 6-8pm which was during golden hour and what I learned from our subject was incredible.
She shared her story of being trasngender and the struggles she went through to come out. It was a very eye-opening experience and I’m so grateful to have met someone who could share her perspective.
Part of the reason why I love filmmaking is because of the people I get to meet. By hearing other people’s stories, I feel like I’ve lived through multiple people’s lives and I’ve gained a deeper understanding of all different kinds of people whether it’s race, sexuality, gender, or class.
August 13, 2020
Leah Kang
Today was my first day of school! I stayed up all night in anxiety and couldn’t really sleep… Everything was virtual so my schedule is a little shorter than usual but that is better than long! My back aches from sitting all day and I really miss my friends. But I can get through this until it is over!
August 14, 2020
Leah Kang
Second day of school! I got a lot more sleep because I slept at 10:30! I felt a lot better because I was not as nervous. Classes felt the same but I can tell we are starting to learn more besides just introductions. Overall, virtual learning is not that bad!
Week 9: August 2 - August 8, 2020
August 6, 2020
Leah Kang
I got tested for Covid-19! I am waiting for my results, but my symptoms are still persisting but I am doing a lot better. I also was going to visit my sister in Santa Barbara but am disappointed that I cannot go. Overall, it is hrs to stay home.
August 7, 2020
Leah Kang
The past two weeks my mom and I have been watching Cesar Millan and we can never get bored of it! Learning his tips, I am actually helping my dog whenever she barks a lot such as showing calm assertiveness, and touching her quickly when she barks. Thank you Cesar!
Skye Lee - August 3, 2020
I’ve finally finished listening to Taylor Swift’s entire album - Folklore! Coming from a Taylor Swift fan, this is probably my least favorite album that she’s created though. I tried forcing myself to like it the first time around but when I listened to it a second time, I realized it wasn’t worth it.
I’m kind of bummed. I feel like her newer albums will never be as good as her old ones. But one thing I always love about Taylor Swift is her embrace for change. Every album represents a newer, better version of herself. I hope I can be more like that.
Skye Lee - August 4, 2020
I had originally planned to take the SAT Subject test in August but I called the test center today and they told me that my location is closed due to the Coronavirus. So I tried switching my test centers and test dates but all locations are either unavailable or closed. But honestly, I’m kind of relieved. Despite studying for the test for two months already and buying prep books, I’ve been prioritizing my SAT 1’s more and I don’t think I would’ve been ready for the subject test in time.
But I don’t like the way Collegeboard has been handling things. They don’t update students frequently and I probably would’ve still been studying for the test if I had not called my test center.
Skye Lee - August 5, 2020
Today was the first day I went out in a while to see my friends. It wasn’t really a hangout day. We were going out on a shoot to film for the nonprofit organization we’re a part of and of course, we were all being safe and wearing masks! Even though we were filming for the most part, it was nice to have a laugh with them and actually have some human interaction.
We then finished at 2pm so we decided to eat lunch together at the Woodbury Town Center. One thing that has come out of this global pandemic for me is greater appreciation for the little things. I’m so grateful for my friends and just being fortunate enough to go out and have lunch with them.
Skye Lee - August 6, 2020
For the longest time, I’ve put off organizing the junk that I have since I’ve been too busy and it feels like I’m going to be moving out to college soon so there’s really no point in rearranging my room. But with the slow decline of the Coronavirus, I might as well spend my quarantine in a room that makes me feel comfortable and happy.
So every day of this week so far, I’ve been cleaning out different sections of my room. And I feel so accomplished at the end of the day. So consider this as a reminder for you to throw on some music and start cleaning out your room! And by cleaning out, I mean a DEEP clean. Get rid of the stuff you don’t use anymore and minimize the amount of clutter you have.
Skye Lee - August 7, 2020
Today, I learned how to use Craigslist! I had a lot of purses and clothes I no longer could wear anymore or grew out of after cleaning through my closet the other day so I decided I’d dip my toes into the world of Craigslist, something my dad is very familiar with. I’m selling a lot of things so it took awhile to take the pictures, edit it, and post it. But for those that are reading, you should check out the stuff I’m selling :)
Amber Lee
Before quarantine, I used to drink coke every day during dinner time. The carbonation, taste, and refreshingness is what got me addicted! Even though it is not good to be drinking soda, I did not care because I did not see any physical harm on my body. However, after not having cans of coke in our house due to the pandemic, I have stopped constantly drinking the soda. Though sometimes I crave it, I have enjoyed drinking tea and water a lot more. Don’t get me wrong, I do occasionally drink coke, but not nearly as much as before, and I am feeling a lot healthier!
Week 8: July 26 - August 1, 2020
Skye Lee - July 27, 2020
I’ve been keeping myself busy during quarantine by studying and working.
Pretty much all summer long, I’ve been prepping for the SAT Subject Tests in August. However, I’m having a really hard time keeping myself motivated knowing that Orange County is on the watchlist and that coronavirus cases are constantly rising. I’m constantly under the impression that August SAT will get cancelled so I haven’t been studying as hard as I usually do. I’ve even told my mom about this and she seems to be pretty understanding of my situation too. We’re all very frustrated with Collegeboard’s lack of updates on this constant evolving issue.
Skye Lee - July 28, 2020
Today, I had two zoom call meetings - both of which went very well.
The first one was with my AP Psychology teacher. It was super refreshing to talk to someone I haven’t seen in a while. She’s such an easy person to talk to. We went over measures our school should take in being safer and anti-racist.
I, then interviewed someone for a nonprofit organization I’m a part of called Crossroads Initiative. The subject spoke out about her mental health struggles and hearing about her story was so emotionally impactful. I’m glad I get to meet a lot of different people through Crossroads. Hearing her story makes me appreciative of what I have.
Skye Lee - July 29, 2020
I baked banana bread for the first time today! I’m not quite sure if I should’ve kept it in the oven longer. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll be making it again. I didn’t really like the taste of it. Nevertheless, here’s the recipe! I heard banana bread is quite easy to make and a very forgiving recipe. It’s definitely something worth doing in quarantine.
½ cup Margarine, soft, corn (hydrogenated and regular)
1 cup Sugars, granulated
2 Egg, whole, raw, fresh
1 ½ cups Bananas, raw
2 cups Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached
1 teaspoon Leavening agents, baking soda
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour one 9x5 inch pan.
Cream margarine and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs, then bananas. Add flour and soda, stirring just until combined.
Pour into prepared pan and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 1 hour (or till toothpick comes out clean). Remove from pan and let cool, store in refrigerator or freeze.
Skye Lee - July 30, 2020
I’ve been feeling very nostalgic these days and find myself constantly looking back on old photos of my friends and I from before quarantine. I, then, realized that I should add more photos to my picture wall above my bed since the last time I added photos was during December. So that’s what I did! I developed some pictures from Walgreens in squares and used a 50% off coupon code that resulted from the original cost of $5.46 to $3.54. I’m not going to lie, I’m very proud of myself for saving money. The $2.18 I saved could go to my next boba. Every penny counts, kids.
Skye Lee - July 31, 2020
Today, my family and I tried out this new restaurant called Pastars. My mom heard about it through her co-worker so we decided to give it a go. Apparently, the restaurant opened during the pandemic but seems to be pretty successful since. We ordered so much food - 3 hefty sandwiches, baguettes, and meatballs to be specific. Of course, they didn’t allow us to dine in and we wanted to eat the food while it was hot so we ate it in the car. But geez, was it a mess! My hands and lower face were covered in grease but the sandwiches were super good. Definitely check out the restaurant! My favorite was the Beeler's Porchetta Sandwich.
Amber Lee
July 30, 2020
During this quarantine, I have come across many activities that help me pass time. I enjoy working out through youtube videos in my room. I especially love Pamela Reif as her videos are very challenging but fun. I also love making crafts! I have some crafts kits that I never got around to do, but I am finally doing it. Also, I have been making many art pieces with fun materials, like watercolor, colored pencils, and paint. Lastly, I wrote letters to my friends and mailed it to them, as I feel like I can connect with them better, rather than texting/calling. This pandemic has made me realize how I should always check up on my friends and make sure that they know they are loved as you never know what might happen.
July 31, 2020
Today was my last day of leadership camp. Everything was conducted online, and it was actually pretty fun. This upcoming school year will be my first year in my school’s leadership body. I am a little disappointed that I will have to spend my first year in leadership at home, but I know I will be able to help my classmates and make this year the best it can be. I am worried about making new friends in leadership because it’s harder to form personal connections through a screen. Attending the leadership camp was one step closer to relieving this worry. I am still hopeful that I will be able to form new friendships.
July 5, 2020
Leah Kang
Today is my last day of my sister spending her time here in Irvine before she leaves for her college again, so we made sure to watch our favorite movies like Maleficent and Crazy Rich Asians, eat yummy food, and go for walks. I am sad she has to leave for her job and apartment back in Santa Barbara but I know she will come back soon!
July 24, 2020
Leah Kang
I watched Thor Rangnorak and Captain America with my mom, and we went to Petco and Petsmart to get things for our dog. We made sure to wear our masks, wash our hands, and disinfect with Lysol and sanitizer!
July 29, 2020
Leah Kang
I embroidered some designs for friends’ birthdays. Although their birthdays were in quarantine I still wanted to do something personal. I miss them so much but I cannot see them yet. I will also get tested for Covid-19 soon!
7/30/2020 - Beatrice
It's my mom's birthday! We made dinner and my sister made some cake. The cake was vanilla with blackberry whipped cream. My mom doesn't really like anything in particular, she just says that everything depends on her mood that day. It's kinda hard to cook and get things for her because of that, so I'm really glad that she liked everything that we prepared. It was a fun and special day, and my mom (and most people in general) deserves more than a couple special days a year so we'll be preparing nice things for her more often :)
Week 7: June 13 - July 5, 2020
June 30, 2020 - Stephanie
It’s unbelievable 2020 is already halfway over. Today I spent the entire day with my best friend because I hadn’t seen her in a while. We met up at Spectrum to eat lunch and shop for new clothes. I’m still not used to wearing masks at all times especially when going somewhere indoor. All the stores required everyone to wear a mask to enter and some even offered hand sanitizers. My friend and I stopped by at a few stores then we headed to her house. We watched netflix for a bit while enjoying our mint chocolate chip ice cream. A few hours passed by and I went home around 9.
Friday, July 3- Irene Kim
This morning I woke up at around an hour past noon. I started my day by brushing my teeth, eating a brunch consisting of waffles, eggs, and sausages, then checked my emails and social media. I found out that I will be starting school again in August with increased safety precautions of course. I miss my friends a lot and want to start going to school again, but quarantine life has turned into my everyday reality, and I can’t imagine going to school everyday after staying home for 4 months.
The highlight of my day was watching a korean drama with my mom. This is my first kdrama, and I can now understand why they’re so popular even in areas outside of Korea. I’m glad that I got to take some time to relax and spend time with my mom.
7/2/2020 - Beatrice
This week feels so long to me. I’m taking an online class for the summer and it is a lot more work than I expected. The class requires a lot of research so I’ve been reading more. Also my sleeping schedule has been consistently pretty bad so I’m working on getting that back to normal. I’ve been feeling really sluggish and lazy lately, maybe it’s partly because of the weather? I do feel like this at some point every summer though. After school is done for the year and when my summer class schedule settles in, I just feel like doing nothing all day.
Saturday, June 20th - Beatrice
School has officially been over for a while now but it hasn't really felt like summer for me. I've been feeling pretty stressed lately because of figuring out schedules and everything that's happening. It seems like things are starting to become less bad so that makes me feel better and not as worried.
Thursday was my dad's birthday and tomorrow is Father's Day! I'm looking forward to celebrating again tomorrow :)
Week 6: May 17 - May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020 - Evan
Today was special because I was going to turn in my artwork for two different art contests that I had been preparing for the last 2 weeks. The topic for the first contest was something you are grateful for during quarantine, and I chose to draw my pet bearded dragon. I'm grateful for my pet because I cannot see any of my friends during quarantine, so my pet keeps me company and is fun to take care of. The second contest’s prompt was to draw an animal that represents Washington in its natural environment. For my animal I chose to draw a crab. After I put all my finishing touches on my artwork, I submitted them. Hopefully I can win both of the contests.
Friday May 29th, 2020 - Beatrice
The last day of finals! I'm so glad it's done, it's been a long week. My brother's birthday is next week! I'm going to make the cake and I know my family is all looking forward to celebrating.
Everyone is talking about George Floyd and I saw that the officer that killed him will be going to court. I just feel so terrible, but I'm glad that this case is getting national attention because if it didn't, I don't think anything would've happened. Hopefully his family is doing okay and will get justice.
May 24, 2020
It had been a while since I had last taken a day trip to another city with my family. We must have all been feeling the itch to get out of town, so we decided to drive up to Big Bear. Since I hadn’t been in a car too much recently, I found myself getting a headache during the long drive. We didn’t get out of the car when we finally got there but instead we just cruised around and observed the scenery. I was surprised to see a decent amount of people out and about. To my horror, some of them weren’t even wearing masks!! I used to visit Big Bear all the time and hang out. I miss that. :(
Saturday May 23rd, 2020 - Beatrice
Today my family and I went to a botanical garden near Laguna Beach. The weather was so nice and the trails were so pretty. There were all kinds of plants and I took a lot of pictures of my family with my sister's Polaroid. Overall it was just so nice to be outside and looking at all the plants and birds made me feel peaceful.
Also this plant is so interesting, it's like someone put tulips on a pine tree.
Week 5: May 3 - May 16, 2020
Friday, 5/15/2020 - Beatrice
I’ve been studying a lot. My tests are next week, so I’ll be able to relax when those are done. Also a couple of months ago I planted some chard in my backyard, and they’re fully grown now! It feels like the time has passed by so fast, so it’s really cool to see how much the plants have grown.
May 16th, 2020 - Seojin
Today was such a relaxing day! I had enough sleep last night. I had an amazing korean food for the breakfast. I went for a walk to get some fresh air. I had a zoom meeting with my church friends because I missed their faces so much. We played games together. I think playing a game together while you are on zoom call with your friends is a great way to spend time during quarantine!
May 12, 2020
I took my first AP test this morning for Calculus AB! It was such a weird experience for me because my first AP test was not the “real thing” per se. I thought it went better than I expected it to. I appreciate how the College Board was able to accomodate for the pandemic and found it really helpful. I took the rest of the day to hang out with my friends. During school, I rarely had the time to hang out with my friends outside of the campus. It was refreshing having the time to do that for once. I caught up with old friends from my middle school again and also played Roblox together. However, I still have to study for my AP World History test next week and then I am practically done with school for the year!
May 4th, 2020 - Seojin
I had 9 hours of sleep last night and that felt so great. I think one of the advantages of distance learning is that we have more time to sleep; also we don’t have to wake up early to go to school. I finished some of my school works and I went to the park near my house to walk with my dog. The weather was so nice today. I hope I can go to picnic sometimes. I came back home and baked banana bread. I love baking!
Week 4: April 26 - May 2, 2020
4/26/2020 - Beatrice
Today my family and I went to the San Joaquin Marsh and it was so so nice. There weren’t a lot of people at all so it felt very peaceful and the weather was sunny and perfect. The last time my family tried to go on a walk, there were so many people at the trail so we ended up walking around neighborhoods. But actually being on the trail today was really nice. We also saw this bird, and I found out later that it’s a Great Blue Heron. I was so surprised because it let me get so close, so I took a few pictures.]
April 29, 2020
Today was my first car ride since we were ordered to stay at home. My mom wanted to give our friends some extra kimchi we had. My family and I used to drive long distances everyday to travel to small towns to hang out. Even though I should be used to it, I found myself getting a slight headache in the car. It almost felt too stuffy. As we were driving, I saw that there were still many cars driving on the road. There were also people out and about in the popular food plaza near my home. I was shocked that there were a lot of people acting as if nothing had happened. It made me kind of sad because that meant it would probably take longer for us to deal with coronavirus. I hope people can take this seriously and stay in the safety of their houses. Please remember to maintain the six feet of social distancing so that we can get through this quicker together.
Friday, May 1st - Jane
I woke up around noon today and made breakfast and a smoothie. Afterwards, I read The Handmaid’s Tale outside on my hammock. It started to get super warm and sunny so I made my way back inside. I decided to facetime some of my friends; it felt nice to have a sense of normalcy, even if we spoke virtually. The rest of my day consisted of homework, listening to music, and phone time :)
Week 3: April 6 - April 25, 2020
Friday, April 24 - Jane
I started my day by waking up at 10 o’clock for two Zoom classes. Afterwards, I started researching for my IB extended essay (a 4000-word independent research paper). I decided to choose the topic of music therapy for my essay! After doing some research, I decided to assemble a few backyard items that my mom ordered. We got a hammock and an outdoor bed for my dog, Coco (pictured above). I spent the rest of my day studying, doing homework, and scrolling on social media :))
Title: Souffle Pancake by Emily - 04/26/2020
Recipe of Souffle Pancake using Pancake Mix
2 egg yolks
4 egg whites
½ cup of milk
¼ cup of sugar
¾ cup of pancake mix
Mix egg yolks and sugar. Mix it around 30 seconds to one minute.
Then add milk, and mix it around 1 minute.
With mixture from procedure 2, add pancake mix. Mix until it does not have big lumps and smooth.
In another bowl, beat the egg using a hand mixer until it has a stiff peak.
Add mixture from procedure 3 and procedure 4, and mix it softly so batter does not get deflated.
Grease pan using butter for extra flavor.
Put batter in and close the lid for 2-3 minutes using low to mid heat.
Then, flip the batter and close the lid for another 1-2 minute using low heat.
Serve with berries, syrup, butter, or anything you want!
April 24, 2020 - Seojin
I woke up with a lot of notifications on my phone because today was my birthday! I just had a breakfast and finished my homework as soon as possible so that I can enjoy my birthday. I dressed out nicely to take pictures. I got a cake and boba to treat myself. Later that day, I had a nice dinner with my family and blowed the cake together. It kind of sucks to stay in home on your birthday but I’m still glad that I enjoyed my birthday with my family. I hope I can invite some of my friends on my next birthday :)
April 25, 2020
I think I am slowly becoming a better person now because there is so much time to get things done and get more rest. When I had to go to school, I was constantly super tired. I would sleep in the car ride there and back. These days I am still a little sleepy, but recently I have been getting around nine hours of rest! This is a three hour improvement. With a rested mind, I can now focus and put more energy into the things I do. Surprisingly, I am still kept pretty busy from day to day even though we are kept in our houses. I have been filling out many leadership applications and am even applying for an internship! I also have had to record many videos of myself playing the cello for school, which takes up a lot of time. I got to play Minecraft with my brother yesterday. It’s been around four years since I last played minigames on a Minecraft server, so I enjoyed reliving my childhood. I have been slightly procrastinating on studying for my AP tests, so I will need to get back on that soon. I am looking forward to the day when I can hang out with my friends again.
Friday, 4/24/2020 - Beatrice
Today was really slow. I took a math test today and finished my homework for the day. It’s going to be really hot soon, and I already feel a bit sluggish. Maybe it’s because it’s Friday? This picture of my cat pretty much sums up how I felt today.
I picked April 25 because I got to do many things that day. In the morning, I started off my day by cleaning up my bearded dragon’s tank and feeding her vegetables and insects. After that, I helped my dad clean up the cluttered office so he could turn it into an art room. We worked for many hours and finally accomplished our goal. Finally, I ended the day by playing Minecraft with my sister and my friend.
Week 2: April 5 - April 18, 2020
Saturday, April 18th - Beatrice
I saw this duck in my front yard today and this little moment made me feel so happy.
I'm not excited to do school work and study for my tests, but this duck is just relaxing on the dirt. Seeing this duck made my day :)
April 17, 2020 - Seojin
I started a day by waking up at 12:30 pm! My sleep schedule got really messed up since quarantine started. I ate a Korean breakfast which my mom made for me. Then I joined canvas meeting for my math class. After math class, I had a tutor class through zoom. I’ve been studying ACT with my tutor. I hope this pandemic can end soon because I hate learning through online. It’s hard for me to understand the material and I just prefer to learn in person. I also miss talking to my school friends. Then I had my late lunch and spent the rest of the day watching k-dramas on netflix.
Friday, April 17th - Brandon
The day began with me waking up later than usual and having breakfast at about 9:30 am. I did not have must online homework for the day as I finished most of it yesterday. Thus I was very bored and I was seeking a way for me to kill time. By 11 am, the weather had become much better and sunny as the clouds were slowly disappearing, and as the sun shined brightly into my room, I wished to go outside. Thus I tried to convince my mom and sister to go hiking, and while my sister did not want to, my mother agreed to go with me. We then quickly had lunch and when we drove and reached the trail, we were thrown aback by the amount of cars that were parked there. As the parking lot itself was closed off, all of the cars belonging to those on the trail were parked beside the road. The sheer number of cars meant that we and a few other cars had to drive in circles in order to try to find an open spot on the road. However, we were lucky and were able to park after 10 minutes of arriving. My mom and I spent the next 3 hours hiking and when we came back to our car, the road was still packed full of cars and there were still a few trying to find spaces to park. Thus if anyone told me that they were going to go hiking, I would recommend on going either earlier or later on the day to avoid the traffic.
April 18, 2020
I found myself doing many little things that I would not have been able to do before the quarantine. When I had to go to school, I never had time to do much because I was so busy. Today, I had time to play basketball with my brother and dad, even though I am really bad at it. It was really fun to spend some quality time together. During school days, I only got to see my dad during dinner before I had to go and finish my homework or practice cello. I also was able to catch up with an old friend from my middle school through text. It was great to reminisce about the great times we had together. We had even planned to visit our middle school friends at their schools again this year before the stay-at-home order was issued. Hopefully, we can do it next year. After lunch, I joined a video call with my bandmates to talk about submitting a performance for a competition. Our band is called Ti85, and I sing and play electric cello in it. To be honest, most of the call was spent playing games together haha.
School has definitely become easier. Now our grades can only go up, never down, which has relieved a lot of my stress. However, I am excited for my junior year to come because I was recently accepted into my school’s Leadership class. Going back to school would also mean that it is safe enough for everyone to resume the previous order of their lives. I just want the whole world to be safe already.
Friday April 10th: Beatrice
The last day of school for this week! Honestly, I knew online learning would be difficult but I didn't think it would be this hard. It's hard for me to keep track of what's due in what class and when. Maybe I just have to get used to it? I'm not sure but everything is taking me so much longer than normal. Maybe it's because I'm slower at doing homework now?
The vegetables I planted are doing well! They're still small but hopefully they’ll be big and ready and ready to pick soon.The rain must be helping.
Also, I applied for a summer program a few months ago and I just got an email saying that we'll be notified on our acceptance next week. I hope I got in, but I have a feeling the program will get cancelled.
I hope I, and every student, will be able to keep this up for the rest of the school year. It's definitely hard to focus at home, but hopefully all these safety measures will help in the end.
Week 1: March 29 - April 4, 2020
Title: April Fools’ Day by Stella
Yesterday, I heard about people “pranking” about catching COVID-19 to their friends to see “if my friends actually care about me.” I’ve even heard about a Korean celebrity who pranked his fans about getting infected, which brought many to criticize and send hate comments to him.
At first, I couldn’t understand why people, like this celebrity, would do things like this. They know how serious this is, how long this has been continued, and how much it impacts everyone. Everyone’s life has changed in some ways, and for the majority of us, it has changed into a more negative way with all the postponement or cancellation of events, social distancing and isolation, and even saying goodbye to our loved ones.
People are dying and losing their family members and friends.
Yet, these people just call this as a “joke.”
Where is the joke? Isn’t a joke supposed to be funny?
And some justify their problematic and nonsense action and words.
Knowing many of these people don’t realize the problem of this prank, I can’t do anything to change their mindset. But I know for a fact that most of us are angry about this and know that this is clearly not funny.
In a world where all contacts and visits suddenly became weapons, I hope everyone realizes the significance of their actions and words and tries to minimize the dispute during this sensitive time.
20년 3월 30일 일기장
안녕하세요! 저는 10학년 여학생 왕미영입니다. 20년 3월 30일에 제가 온라인으로 수업을 들었는데 아침 3시에 잠을 자서 아침에 못 일어나고 수업에 늦게 들어갔습니다 ㅠㅠ. 수업을 들은 후에 8시간 동안 숙제를 열심히 했습니다. 화학하고 수학 숙제가 있었는데 영어 숙제도 있어서 좀 힘들었습니다. 친구랑 직접 못 만나서 그냥 친구한테 비디오 전화를 했습니다. 제가 쓰는 비디오 전화 앱에는 전화할 때 친구랑 같이 게임을 할 수 있었습니다. 아주 재미있었는데 제가 전화로 친구를 보는 것보다 학교에서 친구를 보는 거 더 좋아합니다. 다 했을 때 한국 드라마를 봤습니다. 이태원 클라쓰 드라마를 아침 3시까지 보고 맛있는 간식을 먹고 시원한 음료수도 마셨습니다. 정말 재미있는 하루였습니다. 감사합니다! ♡
Friday, April 3rd - Beatrice
Today is the last weekday of Spring Break! Honestly, it has felt the same as any other week, but I’ll still miss it. IUSD, my school district, recently announced that we will not be going back to school for the rest of the year. I pretty much expected it, but it doesn’t make me feel much better.
My daily routine has changed a lot. One of the first things I do in the morning is water my plants. I’ve always liked plants and the idea of gardening, but it was never an active priority for me. A couple of weeks ago, my mom gave me a box of lots of different vegetable seeds that she bought years ago. So I planted some of them. There are currently sprouts growing, so hopefully there will be full grown vegetables soon. I’m self studying for 2 AP tests, so I spend most of my afternoon studying. It’s not my favorite thing to do, but it can’t be avoided so I try to stay focused and get work done.
Overall, my family is spending more time together and we talk a lot more. Our biggest concern is that my great aunt lives with us, so my siblings and I try to keep distance as much as possible. We call our relatives in other states and countries more often. I’m staying in touch with my friends, and we’re all trying to keep ourselves busy. There are so many people working so hard and so many others who are alone, afraid, or sick, so I just hope that everything gets better as soon as possible.
April 2, 2020 - Katelyn
Today my conservatory director called for one last video call with my symphony orchestra before our spring break was going to begin. When I joined the meeting, I felt overjoyed and comforted from seeing the faces of my classmates again. It reminded me that I have a second supportive family in which I can trust. As I was scanning all of the familiar faces, I noticed that my conservatory director’s camera was completely turned off. I thought this was unusual considering that he is usually a smiley and showy person. My mind suddenly remembered all of the hints he gave to the class over the past two weeks. There had been several posts from him on Google Classroom stating he had to cancel video conferences with us because he was “extremely ill.” And that was the moment I knew. My conservatory director had coronavirus. Unfortunately, he confirmed my conjecture in the call and stated he had been admitted to the Emergency Room twice already. He also informed us that his wife was affected as well. Upon his announcement of the solemn news, the mood between each student shifted. No one knew what to say. I could not believe that someone I knew, someone I used to see and talk to every day at school, contracted coronavirus. It was almost unthinkable. I wish I could have done something to make him and his family better, but all I could do was reassure him that “everything will be okay.” Truth be told, I cried that day.
4/4/20 Evan
Today was special to me because I got to FaceTime some of my friends and talk with them. We attempted to play a board game together over a video call, and it actually worked! Because of the coronavirus, I have not seen anyone besides my family in person for almost a month. It is starting to get boring in my house doing nothing except for online learning and playing basketball.