Teacher Judy' Poem (With Meditative Music at the End)
Episode Timeline:
00:00-1:56 - Jini’s intro
1:56-2:26 - Teacher Judy’s poetry reading
2:26-3:50 - Meditative music by Kevin MacLeod titled “Wind Of The Rainforest”
안녕하세요 여러분! 지니입니다. We have many great teachers at the Korean American Center, Irvine Sejong Institute. And one of them is teacher Judy Park, some people know her as 박현정 선생님. Did you know that she is an author of children’s poems and even won an award for a poem she wrote? So today, I will share with you her poem titled 엄마 안은 날, which can be translated as the day that I hugged mom. She won the Rookie Poetry Award at the 8th annual US Children’s Literature Contest. 엄마 means mom, 안은 날, means day that I hugged. The word I actually is not in the title, but is implied.
Here is what she wrote as a background story to how she wrote this poem:
어릴 때, 엄마를 안으면 느껴지는 엄마 냄새가 참 좋았어요. 그 냄새가 참 따뜻하고 위로가 되었어요. 그리고 엄마 심장 박동 소리와 내 소리가 함께 울리는 느낌이 참 좋았어요. 두 아이의 엄마로 미국에서 살면서 제일 아쉬운 것은 힘들 때 괜찮다고 위로해 줄 엄마 품에 안길 수 없다는 거예요. 그 마음을 담아 동시를 써 보았어요.
When I was young, the smell of my mom was very good. The smell was very warm and comforting. And I really liked the sound of my mother's heartbeat and mine beating together. The most difficult thing about living in America as a mother of two children is that I cannot run into my mother’s arms to be comforted by her when I am feeling tired and troubled. I tried to write this poem with that feeling.
So here is the poem, 엄마 안은 날 narrated by 박현정 선생님 herself. For a rough translation, please see the episode notes. Enjoy.
엄마를 안으면
엄마 냄새와 함께
엄마 마음이
나에게 오는 것 같아
이 소리가
내 것인지
엄마 것인지
내가 엄마 뱃속에 있던 날처럼
엄마를 안은 날
내 마음은
The day that I hugged mom
When I hug mom
With mom smell
Mom's heart
It feels like it's coming to me
Beating beating
Beating beating
This sound
I’m not so sure
Like the day I was in her stomach
The day I embraced mom
My heart
It becomes soft.
Wind Of The Rainforest Preview by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5729-wind-of-the-rainforest-preview
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/