[Learn Words & Phrases] Words Related to Summer 여름 관련 단어
안녕하세요 여러분! 지니입니다.
여러분, 요즘 덥죠? It’s hot these days, isn’t it?
Today, let’s learn some words related to 여름. Summer.
You can see the words written out in the episode notes, and also see images of them on the podcast page.
자, 그럼, 따라하세요! Now then, please repeat after me!
Sun 해, or 태양
Sunlight 햇볕
It’s hot! 더워요!
It’s hot! 덥다!
Travel 여행
I go traveling 여행해요
Sunglasses 선글라스
Ice cream 아이스크림
A cold drink 차가운 음료수
To swim. 수영하다. In the present tense formal form, you can say 수영해요.
Beach 바다, or 바닷가. 바닷가 is more like “beachside”.
Hat 모자
AC 에어컨. Basically short for Air Con. From conditioner. This is what one might call a Konglish word.
And lastly, vacation 휴가.
여러분, 이번 여름에 여행해요? Are you traveling this summer?
어디 가요? Where are you going?
You can say the place that you are going to followed by the verb 가요 which means ‘go’.
If you are not going anywhere, you can say 안 가요. Not going.
아무데도 안 가요. I am not going anywhere.
자, I’d like to end today’s episode with a song that’s titled hot like crazy. 미친듯이 더워! see if you can catch some of the words we learned in the lyrics. But you should definitely hear the word ‘더워’ which is an informal way to say “it is hot!”
감사합니다 여러분 for listening- and see you next time! 다음에 만나요!
Special thanks to Caleb Shields for the song “Crazy Hot” and its lyric slides!
Image slide created by Jini Shim